Favorite moment with music in your car.

1970. I had one of Norelco’s first car cassette players. I’d connected it to 4 box speakers. Had my honey at my side, driving 8 kids up the hill to school every day. We’re in my yellow 1955 Ford Station wagon, dubbed ‘The Bus’. Music blasting, kids singing along to:
Aretha, Van, Uriah Heep, Supertramp, Beatles, Stones, Black Sabbath, Doors, etc

Please share your own.



spring break from College in 1971, driving down Highway 101 from Grant’s Pass, Oregon to Crescent City, California through the coastal mountains in my 1964 MGB convertible with my college roommate. It had been raining all the way from Seattle, we had camped out in Grant’s Pass, and then on our way the sun came out, i put the top down, and we were in a great mood enjoying the morning air, and on my 8 track was playing "Here Comes The Sun".

life was pretty damn good at that moment. that trip was a fine one i like to think about.

i could also mention all the vacation road trips with my kids when they were young. we always had music going and that music still grabs me as a associate it with that wonderful time. i tear up just thinking about it. and a few ’R’ rated moments in my younger days i’ll just not mention.

music can be a powerful trigger for our memories. 

1986 Transcanada Hiway - Neil Young - Old Ways cassette 1983 Camaro with a Concorde deck, Visonic amps and a mix of KEF and Madisound drivers…. I still have the cassette 

My first year of college I made a friend who drove a Maverick with these amplified 6x9s called mind blower speakers.  We blasted Boston and Queen 8 tracks to insane volume levels. ( Probably why today my hearing isn't as good I would have hoped).  One summer we took a road trip from California to his home state of Missouri.  Being a California kid who lived in the desert his whole life the first time I saw a southern forest I shouted "stop the car" and got out and ran thru it as I'd never seen anything like that before.  Then again drugs may have been involved it was college in the 70s.  50 years later we still are friends which is the best part of the story.

It was in the limo. I don't remember what was playing, because I was drunk and high, but the limo was shaking not from loud music tho!

I was 13 and sitting in my Dad's car while he picked up dry cleaning. The DJ on the radio said the next song is from an English group with funny haircuts. 

"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" came on and my life was changed forever. 

When my Dad returned I was all excited and he couldn't understand why.