SACD playback the DAC

Any one help me out, How to connect SACD playback through DAC? Is there any DAC has this input? Specially am looking
for Benchmark or Cambridge Digimagic,whether any one using this DAC'S for SACD playback. Thanking you in advance for your feedback.
I am unfamiliar with the Integra player. Perhaps. One hopes that there will be more of these as time goes on.

Kal -
It does. The 2 moth recent iterations do anyway. Not to say that they do it well, just that they do it.
I hope that you wont mind if I pick your brain on a couple of subjects. I want to explore the possibilities of sacd/dvda over hdmi to a pre/pro. It just seems so simple and elegant in terms of set up and I would really like to find a way to make it sing.
I have read a little about the concern of increased jitter over hdmi. Is this a problem in your experience and if so, have you found a solution?
Have you had the chance to compare hi rez digital audio via hdmi (like the oppo / integra combo that you wrote about) to a more traditional set up like an ayre or esoteric with analog outs going to a more traditional pre amp? If so, what were your thoughts? Are the Dacs and outputs of the pre/pros up to the task?
Thanks for your contributions.
I have not done it formally but only in the course of reviewing various components. Generally, the issue of jitter is difficult to allocate when there are so many other variables. Nonetheless, there are players that have excellent DACs and analog stages but, so far, I have not directly compared them with a really high-end HDMI-input prepro. Soon.

Im a subscriber. I look forward to it.
The new marantz looks interesting. I use a Jeff Rowland Capri as a 2 ch pre and on the used market they are both priced about the same. I might try picking up the marantz and then selling whichever I like less.
What new Marantz? I only know of one Marantz MCH prepro and, despite good subjective reviews from others, I find the feature set limiting.
