Ethernet Cables - what are you using and why?

Curious about what everyone is doing for their streaming systems in terms of Ethernet cables. I know some people who swear by expensive models, but anecdotally it seems that folks care a lot less about Ethernet than they do about interconnects, AC, or even USB cables. 

I'm a believer but at the moment run a relatively affordable model that I might be looking to upgrade. Let's hear your thoughts.


Thanks again for all the suggestions. I figured the best approach was to just start trying different cables. To that end I started with stuff I could get my hands on locally: a roughly $50 Pangea model, then a $350 Cardas Clear, then a $650 Audioquest Vodka, and finally an Audioquest Diamond (dealer demo for $1200, normally $1999).

Before this I had been using a Wireworld Starlight 8 which I think was around $320. It seems that in my system, each one of these cables makes a fairly obvious contribution to the overall sound. Roughly on the same level as changing analog interconnects or AC cables. I can’t say that will always apply to every setup but for me the impact is clear enough.

It doesn’t end up correlating to cost either. I think the Vodka works best, then the Cardas, then maybe the expensive Diamond. Despite being outclassed, the Pangea is an enjoyable cable that I might choose over the Wireworld depending on my mood.

My journey is not finished, I plan to order some other options that I can’t find locally. So far I’m interested in models from Fidata, Curious Cables, Pink Faun, and maybe a JCAT. Will come back and update my thoughts when I can.

After trying quite a few, landed with AQ Vodka Ethernet cable, and it is superb. I need 3M so AQ Diamond is out of the question price-wise.

Of the dozen or so I've tried Triode Wire labs Freedom ethernet is the one that almost makes me forget about trying anything else. 

I forgot to respond to the WHY part of your query. The Freedom is the most musically satisfying ethernet cable in my experience thus far. I've made some source changes to my system since buying it so may put my Omega Micro Ebony back in to hear how that sounds now. The Ebony was my favorite until trying the Freedom. The best sub $100 ethernet cable in my experience. To my ears more neutral than the Freedom.


Why 8.5 feet and not 8, 9 or any other length. Did you test different lengths to come to this or was it an arbitrary length you stumbled upon?

There are resonance and reflection points with digital (and power cable) lengths, more so than with analog signal cables. Knowing what those lengths are is the trick.