Where to place my two channel in new room?

Hi guys, putting up a new building for some toys & added a little live in area its not perfect for two channel set up but will make due. Here is a drawing of the area its long and kind of narrow. I would like to know for the electrician & would be possible to put up a wall but sure would like not to. The system is Focal Maestros & Rel six pack 812S so should be able to pressure the room well. Here is a drawing of the room, master bed is on one end with full wall and door then the hole thing is open to the kitchen. Thank you Matt

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Normally you go with the speaker facing into the long part of the room then toe it in 

go to the Cardas cable website , they show you how to set up your room .

Length wide with your seating wherever the Bass nulls in your room sound best. I have a 30 x16 , I have a similar situation ,my ceilings are only 8 ft high.

Typically one will create an equilateral triangle of 6 - 8’ away from the back wall. So I would start three feet from the short back wall and in 3.5’ from side walls. This should work great as a starting point. Not having a wall behind the listeners position is great, no problem with reflections behind. Some side wall treatments may be required. Sounds like a good space. Do not position equipment between the speakers (only amp). You want direct lines behind the amp and off to the side for your components.