..You have proved it with your behaviour against asvjerry... Do you remember ?
How could I forget.
Yes you remember because after mocking his innocuous post now you cited him as a rational reason justifying your behaviour against him ...
What!? Now you are saying that you do NOT believe in:
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Make up your mind! This constant flip-flopping is not an indicator of good mental health.
Incredible... You are not ashamed to be read saying such absurd excuses by other people with a brain ? It seems not...
Your posts have set the shame-bar pretty low.
Have you read the book "war is a rackett" i suggested by one of the most decorated marines officer ever ?
Maybe you should send a copy to Vlad.
Brownbear sleep with laoman why do you came back with NO REASON and no content in this thread except irrational justification of anormal character attack ?
As I typed previously: unstable.