Importance of clocking

There is a lot of talk that external clocks because of the distance to the processor don‘t work. This is the opposite of my experience. While I had used an external Antelope rubidium clock,on my Etherregen and Zodiac Platinum Dac, I have now added a Lhy Audio UIP clocked by the same Antelope Clock to reclock the USB stream emanating from the InnuOS Zenith MkIII. The resultant increase in soundstage depth, attack an decay and overall transparency isn‘t subtle. While there seems to be lots of focus on cables, accurate clocking throughout the chain seems still deemed unnecessary. I don‘t understand InnuOS‘ selling separate reclockers for USB and Ethernet without synchronising Ethernet input, DAC conversion and USB output.


Everything upstream of a streamer is what we call asynchronous. The timing is always rather loose as an Internet based connection does not have guaranteed latency or inter-packet arrival time. Attempting to add picosecond clocking to those events which are varying by hundreds of milliseconds is madness.  For reference:

0.1 seconds is 100 milliseconds is 100,000,000 picoseconds and 100,000,000,000 femtoseconds.

This is why TV’s and streaming devices have relatively large buffers. Everything goes into a bucket which it attempts to keep full from one side, and then carefully doled out by a metronome on the other. That’s where the clock matters.

Everything else, IMHO is to keep the noise out of the AC lines and interconnects.

As an example, I've watched my Internet fail and failover to a backup Internet provider.  The process takes around 70 seconds during which I had no Internet.  My music never stopped playing.

@erik_squires ”This is why TV’s and streaming devices have relatively large buffers. Everything goes into a bucket which it attempts to keep full from one side, and then carefully doled out by a metronome on the other. That’s where the clock matters.”

Nicely put!

I think that minimising jitter throughout the digital chain rather than just at the A/D conversion stage has primary importance. Buffering is not a recipe for avoiding jitter. And it‘s the quality of the clock more than the length of the cables that matters