Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?

I own the Benchmark DAC3 and love it.  I am looking for another DAC due to the addition of a  second system. It will either go with a Boulder/Audio Research/(B&W or Vandersteen) system or a McIntosh/Bryston/(B&W or Vandersteen) system. I am looking to try to get something under 3k (maybe 4k) used. I've been looking for a month or so and have seen Bryston (DAC3 wanna be), Primaluna (too much distortion) and a bunch of really old stuff.  I have yet to justify any purchase when a DAC3 is sitting there new around 2k with those untouchable distortion numbers. I would love to try a tube DAC tho another solid state DAC would be fine. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Given my DAC3 bias I would love to hear from  those whose bias differs from mine.

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Musical Fidelity M6X DAC. I've listened to quite a few DACs and this is my favorite by a lot. I've owned an MHDT Balanced Pagoda, TEAC NT-505, T+A DAC 200, Chord Qutest. In my system I've tried Chord Hugo TT2, HiFI Rose 150 and 250, Bricasti M3, Weiss 204 and a few others. I'm not saying the MF is the best, I'm saying it's my favorite. You can find it for around $2k open box or $2600 unopened. I got mine from Safe & Sound in Mass. They have a trial period. Give it a try. Nice people too.  I haven't heard the Benchmark so I won't be of help there.  I've always wanted to try it. I've only heard one DAC that I thought was much, much better than all the rest and that was a Playback Design at Verdant Audio (he posts here) on an amazing system of Canor Audio and Wilson Benesch speakers. I think it was $25k. I'm very happy with what I have now.

What specific improvements and sound characteristics are you looking for?

thx bhvf, i will give M6X a try.


soix, I think for the most part I want to find something with a different sound. That's why I was thinking tubes. Don't want to step down much in quality from the DAC3.

I went from DAC 3 HGC to Bricasti M3. Didn’t miss the Benchmark at all. 

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