Vinyl Only

What Songs Will You Get Up and Lift Your Tonearm because you can't stand to sit thru it ? 

The Beatles White Album " Revolution Number 9"

C.T.A. ( Chicago )  " Free Form Guitar "

The Grateful Dead. " What's Become Of The Baby "



the very most of R&R Hall of Fame will most-likely get me to lift up needle.


There are also albums with the inverse of that problem—the ones we buy for just one track, and really can't get into the remainder.

@dekay I've not heard of " The Last Castrato "  but a few minutes ( even seconds ) of listening on Spotify makes me want to never lower a tonearm on to that recording .

@czarivey  If so why would you buy the albums they award ?  The songs I will lift the tonearm are on otherwise grat albums .

@dogberry not getting into or liking is not the same as so bad or irritating that you have to get up an lift the tonearm . 


In that sense I'd say "Stairway To Heaven" is the lift-up song of the album.

Tears in Heaven is another song 

Not even close for me (although I don’t have it on vinyl)…..”Kiss” by Prince, makes my ear skin crawl. Whenever, and by whatever source it comes on, I’m reaching for something to remove it from my life. When he screams, “AINT NO PARTICULAR SIGN…”!!!!!!  it doesn’t get any worse than that.