High sensitivity (99) with mid powered (50 to 100 wpc/tube) amps?

Sorry: my thread title should have read "high sensitivity speakers with mid powered tube amps?"

Are there draw backs or ramifications to running a pair of speakers which list the sensitivity at 99 with amps producing 50 wpc? (Specifically I was looking at a pair of open box KLIPSCH - Forte IV) and specifically I would be driving them with a Cary V12 rated at 50 wpc in triode and 100 wpc in ultralinear. (I know that I have the power to drive them, but I am thinking that they are usually paired with lower powered, such as SET, amps, and I was wondering if they might not be suitable to be paired with a beefier push pull amp.)

What interests me about these speakers in that they seems relatively small (HWD:: 35.75" x 16.63" x 13") and they would be near-field in a quite small room. Would they be a good speaker for near field? (I note that they are pretty low to the ground, tweeter wise) Also I note that they are biwireable, so I could continue to use my current runs of shotgun biwirie.

Also, are the diaphragm compression driver that they list what is also known as horns? And as it is a 3-way speaker with 12" LF drivers, I was thinking that I could retire my ancient sub.

Doing some reading/searches through posts & users say close to the wall is okay (my B&W 805s are close to 4 feet from wall) so that & no sub would make my small room bigger. Is there an "in your face shout" from horn drivers?

Thanks in advance for any input on this.


@mrdecibel , well, "nauseous" was hyperbole. As is "nails on a chalkboard." What I would say, in all honesty, is that I find poorly mastered and/or recorded CDs to be lifeless and un-engaging with a very flat sound stage. Often I find them to sound bright or even shrill when I try to put a little muscle behind a song I really like. And the room I am in probably exacerbates this. However, when I get good source material in the SA10, it is immediately evident.

Matt, I am sorry to hear that. Nauseous is a feeling that never occurs with me when I listen to any of my recorded music.

I somehow got the impression that you listen to mostly vinyl? And I am also under the impression that most vinyl sounds "nicer" than most digital? I cannot personally attest to that, the last TT I had was part of a Magenevox (I don’t even know if I am spelling that right) rack system I bought in ’79, and I gave it & my LP collection to my sister when I went overseas in ’83, and back in those days our idea of being an audiophile (we actually had never heard the term) was to crank it up ’til it clips, and then back it down a hair. But I am locked into digital, and it is 99% likely that it will be digital for me until the day I die or they are feeding me meds that are crushed up and stirred in with pudding/whichever comes first.

But I am thinking that you are probably listening to better source material than I am a lot of the time.

. . . back to power cords and speakers, @mrdecibel , a power cord upgrade is an easier component to entertain playing around with than a speaker upgrade is.  Even on the level of a one thousand dollar power cord (although I would have to think hard before pulling that trigger/or for that matter, even a $500 power cord).  But a $50 dollar cord?  As @soix  once told me about installing affordable jumper cables in my speaker inputs IN ADDITION TO the shotgun biwiring I was doing (and I probably paraphrase to a certain extent), "How many tweaks are there that you can do for $25?"  Meaning if it works:  FANTASTIC!  And if it doesn't work:  no great loss, it was worth trying.

And I am on the cusp of ordering two more of those cords.  Procrastination just happens to be one of my fatal flaws.  



I auditioned the Forte IV a couple weeks ago and cannot recommend them. I was looking at the possibility of a more full range bass response than my Spendor D7.2 towers and a more present, dynamic presentation.
Unfortunately the Forte IV sounded slightly dark and un involving in comparison.
The bass could be very deep and enjoyable but it seemed slow and disconnected from the music. It was also missing the mid bass punch my speakers have. On one of my demo tracks talking heads psycho killer live, it opens with a tight and punchy bass line.  The punch was totally missing from the Forte IV.  
This was very weird to me because I listened to the Forte III a few years ago and loved them!  Similar amp too.  They had everything the IVs lacked except for a bit too much cabinet coloration.  
If you have the budget, give the Pure Audio Project Duet 15 a try.  


Thank you for the input, @avanti1960  , I did a quick google and the Pure Audio Project Duet 15 is a bit out of budget right now.  I am not quite as excited about the Fortes as I was last night (last night I was thinking that in the morning, or on Monday moring, I'd be ready to call up MD and pull the trigger).  That often happens with me.  

Anyway, I do not want to go to a speaker that would be a lateral move or a slightly above lateral move.  And as I typed earlier, as much as I appreciate MD's generous audition period, I would also like to advoid mailing a140 Lb.s of speakers back to them.  that was why I was interested in thoughts on them, and, to be redundant, my first thought was whether speakers that are that efficient pair well with the kind of wpc I currently am using.  (I would truly like to try the low [powered SET with high efficiency speaker route, but if that happens, it is down the road.  Just for grins, I did browse ebay to see what Dennis Had had going at the moment.)

Anyway, thanks again for your input based on your experience with them.

As far as your Spendor towers, are those the ones that are two way speakers mounted in a cabinet as opposed to a speaker stand?