@mrdecibel , well, "nauseous" was hyperbole. As is "nails on a chalkboard." What I would say, in all honesty, is that I find poorly mastered and/or recorded CDs to be lifeless and un-engaging with a very flat sound stage. Often I find them to sound bright or even shrill when I try to put a little muscle behind a song I really like. And the room I am in probably exacerbates this. However, when I get good source material in the SA10, it is immediately evident.
Matt, I am sorry to hear that. Nauseous is a feeling that never occurs with me when I listen to any of my recorded music.
I somehow got the impression that you listen to mostly vinyl? And I am also under the impression that most vinyl sounds "nicer" than most digital? I cannot personally attest to that, the last TT I had was part of a Magenevox (I don’t even know if I am spelling that right) rack system I bought in ’79, and I gave it & my LP collection to my sister when I went overseas in ’83, and back in those days our idea of being an audiophile (we actually had never heard the term) was to crank it up ’til it clips, and then back it down a hair. But I am locked into digital, and it is 99% likely that it will be digital for me until the day I die or they are feeding me meds that are crushed up and stirred in with pudding/whichever comes first.
But I am thinking that you are probably listening to better source material than I am a lot of the time.