I auditioned the Forte IV a couple weeks ago and cannot recommend them. I was looking at the possibility of a more full range bass response than my Spendor D7.2 towers and a more present, dynamic presentation.
Unfortunately the Forte IV sounded slightly dark and un involving in comparison.
The bass could be very deep and enjoyable but it seemed slow and disconnected from the music. It was also missing the mid bass punch my speakers have. On one of my demo tracks talking heads psycho killer live, it opens with a tight and punchy bass line. The punch was totally missing from the Forte IV.
This was very weird to me because I listened to the Forte III a few years ago and loved them! Similar amp too. They had everything the IVs lacked except for a bit too much cabinet coloration.
If you have the budget, give the Pure Audio Project Duet 15 a try.