Thank you for the input, @avanti1960 , I did a quick google and the Pure Audio Project Duet 15 is a bit out of budget right now. I am not quite as excited about the Fortes as I was last night (last night I was thinking that in the morning, or on Monday moring, I'd be ready to call up MD and pull the trigger). That often happens with me.
Anyway, I do not want to go to a speaker that would be a lateral move or a slightly above lateral move. And as I typed earlier, as much as I appreciate MD's generous audition period, I would also like to advoid mailing a140 Lb.s of speakers back to them. that was why I was interested in thoughts on them, and, to be redundant, my first thought was whether speakers that are that efficient pair well with the kind of wpc I currently am using. (I would truly like to try the low [powered SET with high efficiency speaker route, but if that happens, it is down the road. Just for grins, I did browse ebay to see what Dennis Had had going at the moment.)
Anyway, thanks again for your input based on your experience with them.
As far as your Spendor towers, are those the ones that are two way speakers mounted in a cabinet as opposed to a speaker stand?