No not Soundcraftsman. I do not want to tell the brand name because there is the chance of offending some members; besides, my thinking is that this could happen with many different brands from years ago.
Still the demons of GAS pursue me
Who among you has felt regret when a long-wanted item from yesteryear pops up?
About forty-five years ago, a certain popular HiFi manufacturer’s new parametric equalizer was, to me, the bee’s knees. I dreamed that I might have it one day and use it to get deep bass and tingling highs out of any speaker. A few years later, a friend who had been in the service picked one up, and it still seemed to be all that. Any frequency band could be emphasized to the point of loud or suppressed into silence.
This week, one appeared on that bay place, in “very good condition”, for next to nothing. I thought to hit Buy It Now as fast as possible; before it gets away. But then reality set in. It’s clear enough that where my system is today, adding that processor would radically degrade and certainly not enhance the sound of my system.
So now I find myself browsing that listing daily or worse. I’d appreciate reading similar accounts that others may have.
@roxy54, No not Soundcraftsman. I do not want to tell the brand name because there is the chance of offending some members; besides, my thinking is that this could happen with many different brands from years ago. |
Ifyou are into digital the issue is not getting the basics right for example you should have a modem router combo to start , the agood LPS power supply going to the router for these wall warts are $5 pieces of noise and digital from house to house brings noise ,fiber optic sucks the life outof music you need a quality Ethernet switch Ansuz and others sell them around $2500 and up, and good Ethernet cables ,the one at the endpoint most important . for $400 Sablon makes a verygood one for the money .for example. ,even witha goood dac until your address these weaknesses then you-will not get that vinyl type sound ,dac should be at least $4500 on up if you want true reference quality sound .I go to many audioget togethers and finally got the message ,no short cuts Allowed !! |
In the 70s I had a Soundcrafstman preamp/eq. PE 2217 I recall the "edge wound" wring was a sales tool. The quality was good and I loved messing around with the curve. Back then I had no critical listening skills and my Bob Seger Live Bullet and Ted Nugent Double Live Gonzo records were the height of my audio palette. Recalling the colored memory of "the good days" I recently bought a DBX 2131 on eBay for poots and giggles. It was fun isolating the frequency and tweaking the mix. HOWEVER; they are noisy. There are 2 little Chinese transformers in them that hum like a hooker. IMO an 7 to 10 level rig will suffer using and EQ. BUT they are really fun to tinker with and great for party music. It also lets you have a hands-on learning / recognition of specific frequencies.