Tube preamp recommendation for a simaudio 760a amplifier

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a new tube preamp for my 760a amplifier. My Don Sachs tube pre sends it into dc protection mode. According to Don and my tech, this amp is too sensitive for this preamp which is capacitor coupled.It just leaks too much DC at the outputs.  I love the sound but it's just not jiving. I'd probably need a transformer coupled preamp. I like a warm detailed sound. 

Thanks in advance!


I would look for as contemporary Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, VAC, or Presto.

These are mainstream audiophile preamplifiers built by companies with decades of experience with a commitment to natural musical sound reproduction. They are built like tanks and will serve folks for decades.

I agree a tube preamp will work well for you… but in all but the most dedicated detail scraping systems it will.

Thank you so much gentleman. All these preamps suggested have been on my shortlist. I appreciate your expertise and opinions. 

The Linear Tube Audio preamp use the 6 sn7 tube,as well as  a second set of tubes I think like 12at7  and get T with the Lundahl transformer ,it has 3 position switch inside for gain inside to work well with tube or SS amps in the future most Donot.

it uses premium parts throughout and U.K -Top Clarity CMR output capacitors 

a excellent Resistor ladder volume control , not a cheap Alps volume pot like many 

several stages of regulation ,and Originally designed by David Berning,then upgraded still for under $6k a exceptionally well built preamp !!

 Ive been using a Simaudio 5.3SE with a Modwright LS100 with great results.

Replacing your excellent Sachs pre could be tough, but the easiest recommendation if it’s in your price range would be the new Spatial Audio Raven preamp that Don was heavily involved in designing. Another that I think is worth a good look is the Aric Audio Motherload II or XL. Hope this helps, and best of luck.