Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



Received the Stack Audio Auva 100 footers today! Wow, that was fast! I’ll probably install them tomorrow.


Do these need time to settle?



I have Stack Audio Auva 70 under my Sound Anchors stands, with ATC SCM19v2 speakers.

Have a set of Auva 50 to put under my audio rack this weekend.

And Auva EQ under a Puritan PSM156.

Here is what Stack Audio replied to my question.

"The AUVA Loudspeaker Isolators have a burn in time to let the particles settle. We estimate around 6-7 hours although customers have noted continuous improvement up to the 20-hour mark in the past."

"Just a follow up note – I should also mention that several customers comment that no burn in time is required and there is an immediate impact. I think it varies on a case-to-case basis.
