VAS (Steven Leung) cartridge repair/retipping service?

Any experience with or opinions about VAS/Steven Leung repair/retipping service?  Not for VAS cartridge.


Dear @dogberry  : "  try repairing some Decca cartridges! "


I don't own a Decca cartridge but you can ask to this retipper ( @needlestein that is the same gentleman I recomended to you for your beloved C.  ) that is a very good alternative and in the next link you see his  perfect " job with some of my cartridges ( I sended 10 cartridges. ) where I ask to change only the stylus and in the pictures you can see that both channels measured dbs are exactly the same and this is not easy to achieve when even today top cartridges ( some models ) comes with not centered stylus that's a must to have that way:


Audiogon Discussion Forum


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Working with Steve now on a very low impedance MC, believe his Signature Nova is going to best accommodate. Highly recommend VAS wares and service.

Is this Steve Leung the same person who was previously associated with Raysonic in China?

Another big recommendation for Steve!

He was able to repair a Transfiguration Spirit that another re-tipper could not.

Recently, the also fixed a Dynavector Karat 23RS MR, and a Koetsu Black Goldline got a new rock.

Wouldn't hesitate to use again.