I am so sorry to say this to some but The Krell stays!!!! That's not the problem. Its the source I am looking for.I had all the tubes amps you can imagine and finally got out of them. Audio Research Reference Pre and Monos/ Sonic Frontiers / CJ's ( It does not come any sweeter that this and after years I realized thats not the problem. tubes have a special character but that's not the character I am looking for, I gave up more of my music having tubes and we wont discuss about there here)and found out my set up now can be as smooth or even warmer that tubes, patience / cable changes / tweeks and largest investment was time and measuring tapes that got me where I am now.
What I am trying to say is we wont go to other components in this thread and stay with the source issue since that where it lies in my chain. I am sure it varies from system to system.
Thank for the advise though.
What I am trying to say is we wont go to other components in this thread and stay with the source issue since that where it lies in my chain. I am sure it varies from system to system.
Thank for the advise though.