Lots of good comments here. From the Krell products I have heard, the sound has always been rather sterile, dimensionally flat, but very resolving. I can say the same about Ayre, Spectral, Levinson(Madrigal), Klyne, etc.
I have heard some of Rapogee's digital gear in my system. The Audio Aero Capitole was actually quite impressive. If you don't hear midrange magic here, you need to focus on other links in your system.
A tube amp is not going to affect the performance you seek anywhere near to the same level as a tube line stage. I have been through many tube line/phono stages and amps, and time after time, the tube line stage is the make or break link in the system when it comes to capturing midrange textures, harmonic overtones, ambiance, etc. Drop in a tube line stage preferably one with a tube power supply and compare to the Ayre and you will never go back. And then compare the Audio Aero Capitole with your solid-state DACs to know how good the Audio Aero Capitole truly is.
The problem with changing the amp is that the amp/speaker selection always go hand in hand with each other. Other than impedance matching between line stage and amp, your options on line stages will be far greater.
Another super critical link here is the IC from line stage to amp. Try to audition the Jade Audio Hybrid, Stealth Indra, Purist Dominus to get a feel for how significant these cables in this link can affect the sonic attributes I mentioned above.
I would suggest you hunt down or borrow line stages from Aesthetix, VAC, and BAT as a staring point to get a feeling as to what you are missing here. The Audio Research Reference 1 and 2 line stages do not compete here. As much as you might be a Krell and Ayre fan, these product lines do not excel in the areas for which you seek now. Until you address this, not even the power of the magical DAC from heaven has a chance of shining through.
I have heard some of Rapogee's digital gear in my system. The Audio Aero Capitole was actually quite impressive. If you don't hear midrange magic here, you need to focus on other links in your system.
A tube amp is not going to affect the performance you seek anywhere near to the same level as a tube line stage. I have been through many tube line/phono stages and amps, and time after time, the tube line stage is the make or break link in the system when it comes to capturing midrange textures, harmonic overtones, ambiance, etc. Drop in a tube line stage preferably one with a tube power supply and compare to the Ayre and you will never go back. And then compare the Audio Aero Capitole with your solid-state DACs to know how good the Audio Aero Capitole truly is.
The problem with changing the amp is that the amp/speaker selection always go hand in hand with each other. Other than impedance matching between line stage and amp, your options on line stages will be far greater.
Another super critical link here is the IC from line stage to amp. Try to audition the Jade Audio Hybrid, Stealth Indra, Purist Dominus to get a feel for how significant these cables in this link can affect the sonic attributes I mentioned above.
I would suggest you hunt down or borrow line stages from Aesthetix, VAC, and BAT as a staring point to get a feeling as to what you are missing here. The Audio Research Reference 1 and 2 line stages do not compete here. As much as you might be a Krell and Ayre fan, these product lines do not excel in the areas for which you seek now. Until you address this, not even the power of the magical DAC from heaven has a chance of shining through.