Need some treble

I have a Bryston B135 Integrated amplifier.  As I get older there has been a change in my hearing and I'm not hearing higher frequencies, such as cymbals etc.  Normally I would just increase the treble setting, but this amplifier has no tone controls.  What's the solution?


Pure diffusers at first reflection points could do wonder for treble clarity.

The Schiit units are returnable if you want to try one.You'll be able to tell immediately if it does what you need. I had the mid priced Lokius for a few weeks but ultimately felt my older less than stellar recordings needed a bit more fine tuning. I ended up with a unit by API that I purchased from have many used and new parametric equalizers to research further if you that's something that interests you.

The Schiit Loki Max importantly allows settings control from your listening position with the supplied metal remote. As the remote has a bypass button you can confirm  the quality of circuitry and its lack of degradation on the musical signal.  A heck of a deal at the asking price.