Pre Amp break-in balance issue

I just got a Luxman C700U pre amp to go with a Sanders Magtech amp and the left channel is weaker than the right. If I set the balance at 9 O'clock I get a balanced soundstage but in the middle it's tilted right. The amp is pre owned while the pre is new. Can this be a break in issue that will correct itself? I checked and rechecked the connections repeatedly. Thanks for any input, Joe.


Yes there is a break in on SS devices, but it’s for both channels equally.  If one channel is softer than the other, something is wrong. Send it back and get another one.

All the best.



‘Happy ending. I’m old enough to appreciate a problem going away without following it.

 but I'm learning in my old age that I don't have to have all the answers

I hear you.  I can just accept good news (in my old age) instead of questioning it.  Mostly, anyway.  Good to read that it worked out for you!

Is it possible that the room acoustics and positioning of your speakers account for the balance issues? I've found that using spades on my spkr cables improved the overall balance compared to bananas which can loosen up. I've gotten to the point that a preamp without a balance control isn't worth owning.

Great outcome joeyfed55 I usually find weird issues like this to be operator error somehow. I know that’s been the case with my dumba$$ more than a few times. 🤣