Ayre C-5xe gone wonky

Something funky happened to my C-5xe. It won't pick up the SACD layer on hybrid discs and reverts to the CD layer. The display shows SACD -1 CD with the "-1" flashing before reverting to the CD layer. I've since disconnected the power cord hoping the thing goes cold and "reboots". C-5xe owners, has this happened to you before? Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions before I have to contact Ayre.
Theo is exactly correct about the MP upgrade and Ayre service! I was thinking about selling my C-5xe before the MP upgrade. Now I'm keeping it.

No upgrade to the K-1xe except to replace it with a KXR.
The MP upgrade for the K-5xe is "Maximum Performance" whereas the MP for the source components is "Minimum Phase." As I understand it, the Maximum Performance upgrade changes the output stage from bipolars to JFETs and came about as a result of the development of the USB DAC.
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