@mijostyn I am waiting for the World to be a little kinder with its Land Grab attitudes. When such a long over due period of settled is finally back in place.
I can get back on track with my indulgent and long overdue Celebratory 'Post Covid' Cart' rebuild.
The design is solely because 'I can', more interesting to myself, two pertinent methods for the design have very recently been indirectly given a 'nod of ones head' that agrees the ideas are a practice worthwhile putting in place, 'my interpretation anyways'.
From one source, I have learnt that my design to bypass the Lead Out Pins on my Cadenza Black Donor Cart' and have PC Triple C / EX Wire as the Tag Wire / Continuous Signal Wire, direct attached to the Coils Winding, will be an improved Signal Path, when used as a bypass to the Cart's Lead Out Pins. There is evidence on models under investigation that is showing Ortofon Pins are Gold Plated Brass. For the source of the supplied info to have an alternate experience, I have made available to them AT OCC pins as exchange parts. Additionally, PC Triple C / EX is as a material, sharing similarities with Koetsu Coil Wire, where the Silver used is a very pure outer cladding, and not a electroplated coating. That info being made known,might be a point of Interest to some who are wondering about the very best signal Path for their Koetsu Cart's.
With @mijostyn now not finding a negative about the use of a Cactus Needle Cantilever when it comes to assessing 'end sound', along with the satisfaction seen reported from a selection of others who who have moved over to Cacti Needle Cantilevers.
My own selection for a eight years stored/aged Cacti Needle Cantilever also has a further substantiation for the exchange of Boron to a Cacti Material.
I don't think the last part of the design will achieve the same substantiation as have the above two choices for the design.
The six coats of Urushi Lacquer to the Cart's Body, to be applied by a UK resident trained in Fuki Urushi Applications as part of their preserving Japanese Samurai Artefacts, will be a difficult one to receive a substantiation on. The drying time for Urushi Lacquer is also a Hurdle to be overcome, but fortunately I will be able to separate the Parts to be coated well in advance of forwarding the entire Cart' to be worked on. Herpetology enclosures has helped massively with applications as Humidity and Temperatures can be set to create a very stable environment, to assist with application conditions and the drying process. I am very very confident that there are a host of Cart' owners with Urushi Lacquer who will be encouraging of the extra complication and indulgence.
As the Cart' in question does not need any treatment to minimise, eradicate the impact of moisture absorption on the structural element of the design. The Urushi Lacquer will only be adding a change to the Aesthetic, add Weight and possibly add a Mechanical Control, if the inherent properties is able to improve on how energies are being managed when transferred within the Cart's Structure? There is description to be found that strongly suggests Urushi Applied is a material that has mechanical influences.
Anyways, as said, Solely because 'I can'