Very airy sounding player under 1K used?

I'm looking for a used player 1K budget. I want a very open airy sound, a deep soundstage without being lean in the bass department.
For redbook playback only.

I have tried a rega apollo.

It would be nice to have balanced outputs.
I am also looking at the raysonic cd128.

My components will be.

Gallo 3.1's speakers
manley snapper mono's
bel canto pre3
My opinion will via you off course but I must excuse and state that power cables, inteconnects, and speakers hold an important key to get the airy sound as well.

As for CDP, I think you're better luck with most Japanese and American CDP's for the airy sound. Rega Apolo has a very deep and rich warm sound; "The England sound". Is that what are you chasing after?
Goodluck and keep us posted.
No solid state pre/cd combo will deliver the goods in the air department. For digital to have "air" it must at the very least pass thru a transparent tube pre-amp.

Hope that clears it up.