+1…but with a big qualifier;
(A) it’s trending IMO as a poor $$ investment proportionally to invest in the NORDOST option cuz it may be a large disproportional excess outlay in this system.“ Price is what you pay, Value is what you get, “ Warren Buffett
(B) Without prejudice to (A) above, the hoped for significant audio performance improvement from upgrading to the NORDOST cables in your system is likely nominal at best .
Bsckground Issues IMO:
- it sounds like the current CU-12 “ heavy gauge” cable is not up to a premium OCC grade cable (Y/N?) But it is budget friendly as its primary choice driver, correct?
-Automatically selecting audio cable “heavy gauge” options in isolation over a thinner gauge is meaningless as a key determinant in audio performance proposed improvements .
- a quick scan on the web kicks out EBay ads for the speakers at $350, and ads for the receiver at under $300. (Y/N?) If so…then the prevailing rule of thumb philosophy of an investment in audio cables of say, 10% ( max 20%) of the system, is proportionally modest too ….. Ergo, this excludes the NORDOST BLUE HEAVAN cables with their pricepoint alone likely exceeding the FMV of the rig combined . If so, then Simply put, IMO it’s overkill to your wallet , and an audio performance uptick likely won’t be there to the degree you hoped for.
MY TAKE: Choose wisely.
An A-B bakeoff to compare and validate required, if you are still committed cheerfully to fork out the not-insignificant added cash for NORDOST. The degree of their audio improvements - if any - in YOUR SYSTEM (a fine but important distinction) - might actually be enough for you. But only you can weigh and decide ….. Carry on,