Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio




Thanks. I agree! BTW, it looks like in your system page you had the Iso-Acoustic footers,


I am interested in your comparison.


I've been looking at the Auva EQ's for my components/rack and Puritan 156. I have Solid Air Audio - Dark Stars (UK company) under my ATC SCM40's, but from the comments here, I maybe looking at the Auva 70's or 100's

I have an old suspended wooden floor, with a layer of Oak floor panelling over the top; wondering which model would be more beneficial

@ ozzy

Definitely need to update my system page ๐Ÿ˜Š

Major component upgrades to include one of a kind top shelf builders; Radu Tarta 4P1L DHT Tube Pre-Amp and Kenโ€™s outstanding 300b PP 20 Watts Mono Blocks Amps from Otoman Labs, Japan.



I also have the Stack Auva EQ underneath my Lumin X1. They replaced a Critical Mass CM 2M 1.5" footers. They seem to be just as good if not better.

So, I moved the Critical Mass footers to another component. Two upgrades for the price of one!



Did you get the Stack Audio footers? Anyone else?

I still am very impressed with them. Consider that the component footers (Stack Auva EQ) for a set of 4 costs way less than one Critical Mass footer!
