This following idea/concept was deleted in a previous recent thread, but I thought that it might be fun to follow up with it.

Hardly a new concept, but with computers and the Internet it's easy enough for most to try their hand @ it.

My previous post linked  these 2 YouTube videos with the instructions to hit PLAY on both videos and then listen to the combined results.

Listen to the result of the two videos I've linked and then decide if you want to play.  









...I used to call 'mash-ups' like the above 'Brute Force Dubs'.

"...'mixing with hammers"....*Laugh*

"I suggest you 'get out 'n about more'.... ;)"

I'm good - I can sit here and listen to "Quadrophenia" while watching old film clips of "Punch and Judy".



Maybe the humor is in the technical support required to perform this task.

@dekay thanks for your kind effort to amuse us

@asvjerry (returning fistbump). This does remind me of the early spring of ’81 when I was in the USAF . . . I had ordered a mushroom growing kit from the back of "High Times’ . . . I was living in a trailer off of highway 50 between O’Fallon, Il. and Lebanon, Il. and I ate my entire first crop of six mushrooms. I still have vivid memories of a terrible/wonderful experience . . . but where religeon enters the picture . . . everyone had pretty much cleared out of my trailer because I was going through some pretty severe introspection and I think my appearance and the vibes I was giving off must have indicated that I wasn’t into having company at the time . . . I was laying on the couch, and I remember that this ratty old orange carpet I had started glowing and the glow was increasing in intensity . . . then I began to feel this incredibly strong religeous presence and I realized it was God and that He was right on top of my trailer and I also realized that he was pissed off . . . I used all my powers(?) of concentration to talk Him out of coming down into the living room . . . then the experience subsided and I got to feeling a lot better and I found my buddy in the trailer park who had cleared out on me and I was back in a fun mode . . . but I always wondered what would have happened if I would have been more receptive to actually meeting God that night.

I can sit here and listen to "Quadrophenia" while watching old film clips of "Punch and Judy".

@dekay , I remember back in the early ’80s we used to get together & do that a lot. Not necessarily Punch And Judy with Quarophenia , but maybe like hours spent watching All In The Family followed by network news followed by something else with the sound turned off and Who’s Next or Dark Side or The Wall or what have you blasting from the rack system. For hours on hours we would do that.



@immatthewj ....hmmm...2 ways to look @ that question.... ;)

...there's the audioholics' approach.....

and then, by the same f'n artist...

....the latter being the atheist version, a complex neuron argument that the 'srooms turned loose in your head...

But, since flying unaided is not SOP for any of your way free.... 😎👍

@dekay ....used to have that QMS lp.....back in my NoCal~Eureka! era....

..some assh*le stole it.....

....but I've got woke in the meanwhile....(Full screen, sub up, 85...please...)