@rmdmoore Thanks for the encouragement, perhaps I’ll go check them out!
@toronto416 Maybe once the kids are older I’ll look into getting some proper floor standing speakers. The Wisdom Audio speakers I have are line source with planar magnetic drivers so they’re the most musical architectural in-wall speakers out there. So for now, I have to play with the electronics to satisfy my audiophile itch.
@scott22 I agree!
@j-wall Yes, I’m still curious as well. I was recently watching The Absolute Sound’s High End Munich audio show report on YouTube and saw an amp brand that I’ve never heard of before. The internals were absolutely gorgeous and looked extremely well-made. I would think that all amps in this price bracket should look like this, with large bus bars and impeccably clean organization. I’d love to learn more about the details of how each brand manufactures their amplifiers. Here’s the link to the YouTube video if you’re curious.