My system consists of the following:

1. Martin Logan Impressions 11A

2. Rogue RP-1 preamplifier

3. Lumin U@ mini streamer with Chord Qutest DAC.

4. Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier

I just purchased the Bryston amplifier and it has brought my speakers to life. From dull and listless to vibrant and alive.

I would like to upgrade my preamp and my three choices are as follows:

1. Rogue Audio RP-9-tubes

2. Bryston BR-19 which is fully balanced.

3. Conrad Johnson ET6 or ET6SE

My cables are Cardas Clear Cygnus

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



Backert labs. I own the Rhythm 1.4 . You can roll tubes and tune it in to your system. You very seldom see a Backert Labs on the pre-owned market. 

+6 on the Backert Labs Rhumba.

I have owned the Rhumba 1.3 since 2018. Roll some NOS tubes and your will be amazed by the sound quality. NOS Mazdas are what I sincerely recommend.

Damn! I had to edit my post just to correct the "number". 5 people above me al;ready recommended it.

I just realized the newest Rhumba 1.4 is fully balanced and at $5k with a 14-day trial period that’d be where I’d go first. 

@soix, Rhumba 1.3 has 1 fully balanced XLR input and output, while 1.4 has 2 each.

@kjl1065 - I recommend the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl preamp with the upgrade.  It’s below your budget and sounds so good it’s the one component I wouldn’t consider parting with. When I put it in it was the single biggest upgrade I’ve made.