
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


I presume the dealer is East End HiFi. I’ve purchased speakers from that dealer and I have found the owner Chris a real standup guy. Why not get off the Merry-Go-Round that you’ve been on for all these years and try out a Tube amp!!

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I'd also see if you have a CODA dealer near you (I know that there are not a lot), that would lend you a CODA S5.5.....Doug Dale (owner and designer) is also of the Threshold background as it Nelson Pass. 50 WPC all class A, 100 amps peak current.....best SS amp I've personally ever heard, and certainly owned

If you can get one on loan, I think it'd be well worth the time to audition one. They are really hot right now (I have had mine for about 2 months), since they released the latest version late last year. Reviews are magnificent, and fully in line with my own experience


It’s your money, may be worth it to you. While $300 might seem excessive, relative to the cost of swapping components in and out to elevate your system (ie shipping costs) this amount seems small. Also, dealer support might be a good thing.

From the dealer’s point of view, I can understand their hesitant to loan out expensive gear for trial - the effort, time, risk of customer abusement, and cost to transport and maybe set up for free to any customer asking may not be worth it to them. They’d rather have a more serious/committed customer with a reasonable chance of a sale in which they would be compensated for their efforts, and not merely satisfying a potential customer’s curiosity.

Maybe the dealer is willing to give you $300 credit for anything else he sells if you don't like the amp. I'm a big fan of win-win.