The USB input on the AMR CD77 is limmited to 16bit/48khz sampling. So, even if you set the Panasonic to output stereo PCM, the AMR CD77 is going to choke. In addition, USB2 is limited to 24/96 which means the only things your going to be able to spin on the Pany are CD's and DVD's unless you want to down sample Blu-rays. I understand that you want to take advantage of the better Dac's in the AMR CD77. It's kind of like using a used diaper to filter Louis XIV Brandy; everything's going to taste like crap in the end.
I have the Pany 55 blue-ray player and it's not bad. I have it output PCM when playing Blu-rays or DVD's. Then, I feed it into my Anthem Statement D2 using an HDMI cable. The Anthem them decodes the 5 streams of hi-res digital data and out comes surround sound. I've never used the Pany to spin CD's. These days, all my CD's get ripped to a hard drive hanging off of a music server. Then the lossless files get streamed to a highly modified Squeezebox.