SPDIF to USB converter???

Does anyone know of the existence of a digital signal adapter/converter from SPDIF (IN), preferably coax, toslink if need be, to USB (OUT)? Since I haven't found anything, I wonder if that is at all possible or would the signal have to go through multiple conversions to achieve this?

Thanks in advance and sorry if the question has been discussed before, I couldn't find it in the archives
Much appreciate everyone's input, it confirms what I had feared. Anyway, I'll keep the UA-1D in mind; depending on whether I'll find a good price for a decent DAC, I may go for an experiment with it.

Thanks again, guys!
Al, our last two responses crossed. Seems like the UA-1D is out after all, then.
The USB input on the AMR CD77 is limmited to 16bit/48khz sampling. So, even if you set the Panasonic to output stereo PCM, the AMR CD77 is going to choke. In addition, USB2 is limited to 24/96 which means the only things your going to be able to spin on the Pany are CD's and DVD's unless you want to down sample Blu-rays. I understand that you want to take advantage of the better Dac's in the AMR CD77. It's kind of like using a used diaper to filter Louis XIV Brandy; everything's going to taste like crap in the end.

I have the Pany 55 blue-ray player and it's not bad. I have it output PCM when playing Blu-rays or DVD's. Then, I feed it into my Anthem Statement D2 using an HDMI cable. The Anthem them decodes the 5 streams of hi-res digital data and out comes surround sound. I've never used the Pany to spin CD's. These days, all my CD's get ripped to a hard drive hanging off of a music server. Then the lossless files get streamed to a highly modified Squeezebox.
Well, that sounds pretty final. I won't use the player with CDs, just DVD and Bluray. I'll purchase a player in the next few days, and then I'll take it from there.
Thanks all.