Need recommendations on 15ft speaker cables


I find myself ina situation where I need around 15ft cable pair. Currently I have blue jean Rca cables running. I have upgraded all the other cables and this is the final frontier. Online it is pretty tricky to find used cables of this length.. I see transparent reference cables mostly, which I learned are custom tuned for specific gear.. 

Looking for suggestions from the community on options that will provide SQ upgrade in my situation through speaker cable change..


I just upgraded to Canare oxygen-free copper, which is designated 4S11G, possibly the best speaker cable made. It replaced some temporary 12 AWG power cord to the bass panels. There was a minor improvement.

Moral of the story - don’t spend big on cables expecting a big improvement. Spend on components. IMO  YMMV


The Transparent that is customizable is many thousands of dollars, this is what you are looking at? But they are not likely to make things warmer.. the warm has to be in your components to start with. Typically that is not the case.

Given your goal, you do not want Transparent. I would try Cardas clear… maybe Clear Beyond. Clear Reflections will be even warmer.


My Thai suggest that if you are currently using blue jeans step up to their sister Co. iconoclast 



I am expecting that with a better cable I will get more tonal density, perhaps openness and sound staging. With B&W I am planning just copper since I have heard silver can increase harshness. Ultimate goal is to get warmer yet detailed and punchy sound. 

Given this I’d reiterate my prior recommendation for the Acoustic Zen Satoris.