Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC

I would be extremely interested in how this sounds once released. Small write-up below from PTA below which can be found here:

I was on the hunt for the new Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC ($3,600) on CAF Day One and spoke with founder Mark Schneider. Mark explained that they really hadn’t intended on designing a DAC, but fate, technology, and a key supporting cast presented itself. With a steep learning curve, outside help, and alignment of the universe the Aero DAC was born. This R2R ladder DAC uses the ZOTL output stage, zero negative feedback, and isolated power rails. I’ll report more on how this reasonably priced tube DAC sounds in the Day 2 show report once I track it down.


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LTA used to use and sell the MHDT DAC’s, which are great for the money.

Yup, I remember this.

Me trying to make connections while daydreaming at work: I’d be curious if MHDT was consulted at one point of the process. From the PTA article:

Mark explained that they really hadn’t intended on designing a DAC, but fate, technology, and a key supporting cast presented itself. With a steep learning curve, outside help, and alignment of the universe the Aero DAC was born.

And taking it further, I’d be curious if there were similarities in sound signature to some of MHDTs historical offerings, but with a little more speed. From the product page:

After trying various options, we chose the Analog Devices AD1865 R2R DAC chip, which is sometimes called the “vinyl DAC,” for its organic sound.

The preorder is definitely something to think about. February is right around the corner.

I picked up my Aero DAC yesterday, and even though I have about 100 hours left on the break-in, I am overwhelmed by the rich organic sound I’m getting. There is no sign of anything sounding remotely digital. Just wow! 

@lancelock Thanks! I'm using a Aric Audio Super 6SN7 pre with a Pass XA-25. I currently have a Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC and am interested in the Areo.