So you make no money from your youtube channel and ASR?
I don't know what "make money" means. I have invested $200,000+ in test equipment and heaven knows how many thousands of hours of my own time. Members make donations but it is not remotely enough to offset the cost of the equipment let alone all the other expenses.
If you actually get people to send you money then you are an absolute genius.
If that is the definition of "genius," then I am the sharpest tool in the shed. 😁 Members do indeed donation significant amount of money to ASR.
Do you own or are you involved in the retail sale of components?
Not at all. Hate that business on top of that.
If so, how many of these are represented by Harman?
There is no relationship whatsoever between Harman and ASR (or any other company as a matter of fact). Despite my friendships with a number of people there, they won't even send me a screw to review! I have bought some of the Harman products out of my pocket and the rest have come from members.
I have founded another company called Madrona Digital. That company's business is completely outside of hi-fi and involves custom electronics for very high-end residential and commercial accounts with zero interest in topics we discuss at ASR.
Every year about a handful of people ask me to order products through Madrona for them. No attempt is made to solicit any such business on ASR as it is an independent entity. No ads for Madrona. No items offered for sale. Nothing. When someone wants something I can source, product is ordered from Harman and goes to them directly as we don't inventory anything. And again, Madrona's business is completely different.
Show me where I said Ralph was my favorite designer.
So you bought products from a designer you don't like? How was he able to produce what you wanted to listen to then?
I talked with Ralph when he just received the chips which made his class D amps possible.
What "chips?" His amplifier is a discrete design using GaN FET transistors. Do you have any knowledge of electronics? Statements like that make me think you do not.
I owned them before I became a dealer.
Oh, you were a dealer and are questioning my motivations? Don't you think you should put a disclaimer of being a salesman in every post you make that relates to this? We mandated this on ASR by the way. Dealers have Dealer tags. Industry members have Audio Company tags. Both are highly encouraged to put their affiliation in their signature so that people are fully aware of any potential areas of bias or commercial interest. Had I known you were a dealer, I would have called you on that way, way earlier in the thread.
Have you ever listened to an Atma-sphere product?
Sure. See my show reports: