Do you need a DAC for internet radio only?

I'm thinking about trying out the Squeezebox Duet but I think only to have the ability to listen to Pandora, Rhapsody or several internet radio stations at this time. I have a very nice Modwright CD player and an older Sony Jutebox CD player as well. I know the jutebox would benefit from a good DAC but I only listen to it now on random for background music which would be the purpose of the Squeezebox. Does the Squeezebox benefit from a DAC when only listening to the internet? At this time I do not think I will rip my CD's to a hard drive.

I'm not adverse to a DAC and if there is an improvement, I would consider a DAC in the $500 range. Suggestions if appropriate would be appreciated as well. Thanks, Mike
Thanks, I know it is a matter of time before I get hooked, maybe that is why I've resisted. I have been looking for an all in one source to get educated so I'll hit the PS site. Thanks for the tip. BTW, does any one have a preference on the squeezebox version, I have read some negative things on the Duet being a little unreliable?
Not to hijack the thread, but when I listen to Internet radio via iTunes from my server, I have a lot of problems with iTunes crashing as it tries to rebuffer the stream. Does this happen with SB solution?
If available in your area, check out the HD over the air broadcasts. They put internet radio to shame.
I have had no problems at all (knock on wood, knock on wood) with my SB Duet. You can see from the SB forum however, that there are a lot of documented occurrences and issues - especially with the older software versions. My Duet has been reliable since the get-go (installed 6 months ago). I don't listen to Internet radio that frequently, but when I do, I don't really have any issues. I do recall a time or two when I experienced some “rebuffering.” I do believe a lot of this has to do with the Internet server (product/provider, router and bandwidth limitations). If you have good steady bandwidth via DSL or Cable Broadband, fed through a good router (at least G series for Wi-Fi), then you should be okay. I will be replacing my old B series router with an N series when I install a NAS, but for now, even my G Wi-Fi router has performed excellently (that router is in the same room as my Duet/stereo).

I think this is a good time to watch for new products and do some thorough research before pulling the trigger on anything. The industry has embraced music/video servers and there are some exiting products in the works (i.e.: the Perfect Wave DAC/Bridge server). You can bet that there will be other reputable companies introducing new high-end server solutions. Be patient…(ha…ha..ha!).
What I like about Internet radio is I can listen to the best jazz stations in the country, the best classical stations, and Celtic Sojourn. HD or not, the local market doesn't have enough to offer.