What sort of upgrade from Rega Brio to go with my Dynaudio's X12?

Hi! In your view, what integrated amp would make my X12 sing? I like the Brio but was told and know that my speakers will benefit a lot from a more powerful, newer amp. What would the candidates be?

Rega Elex, Cambridge CXa81, Hegel H95? Nad, Roksan, Yamaha? What else? What kind of power do I need? Any thoughts??


sorry for not being clear. an amp that, in my view, plays music very well. many other amps are technically more impressive in the way you get details, bass, highs and so on....the rega is very natural and musical sounding in that regard, I think...

oh, OK. yes it's subjective what sound moves you. It's hard to describe what's musical because it depends on the person and the music I like to use the terms "warm, bright, sweet, detailed, layered, rich, airy, direct, spacious, vintage" because I think I know what they mean. I don't understand the meta-language used here a lot. 

Sounds to me like you just want to spend $$$...
 A Tube/SS hybrid will give a slight upgrade in sound but a dramatic improvement will only be accomplished using those speakers with a full tube or pure Class A SS amplifier...They are decent enough speakers BUT thay have a pronounced mid bass hump & slightly recessed midrange..
IMO you will be better served keeping the Rega for now & upgrading the speakers..

interesting comment. that was my first idea, in fact. I thought of getting Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G people talk wonders about, then was told my speakers were too good for the Brio and that I had not seen what they were able to do with more power, thus, this post and, now, A-S801 more power, very well reviewed amp, etc...