What sort of upgrade from Rega Brio to go with my Dynaudio's X12?

Hi! In your view, what integrated amp would make my X12 sing? I like the Brio but was told and know that my speakers will benefit a lot from a more powerful, newer amp. What would the candidates be?

Rega Elex, Cambridge CXa81, Hegel H95? Nad, Roksan, Yamaha? What else? What kind of power do I need? Any thoughts??


oh, OK. yes it's subjective what sound moves you. It's hard to describe what's musical because it depends on the person and the music I like to use the terms "warm, bright, sweet, detailed, layered, rich, airy, direct, spacious, vintage" because I think I know what they mean. I don't understand the meta-language used here a lot. 

Sounds to me like you just want to spend $$$...
 A Tube/SS hybrid will give a slight upgrade in sound but a dramatic improvement will only be accomplished using those speakers with a full tube or pure Class A SS amplifier...They are decent enough speakers BUT thay have a pronounced mid bass hump & slightly recessed midrange..
IMO you will be better served keeping the Rega for now & upgrading the speakers..

interesting comment. that was my first idea, in fact. I thought of getting Monitor Audio's Silver 100 7G people talk wonders about, then was told my speakers were too good for the Brio and that I had not seen what they were able to do with more power, thus, this post and, now, A-S801 more power, very well reviewed amp, etc...

I believe you are the right path upgrading your amplifier for the X12s. I have heard and truly like them. At a budget of 'up to 2K' you can do much better than the Yammy 801 in my opinion. 

What sources are you using?