The Horror

After getting  back home from “The Show” in Costa Mesa, California this past weekend, I walked over to my stereo system and turned it on. And silently wept. I had held out a feint hope that my cross-over modified 1.7i Maggies and mighty Parasound A21+, fed from a Prima Luna 300 tube preamplifier could somehow manage a slight shimmer of resemblance to the robust setups I witnessed at the SHOW. Not—- on— your —-life. Not even close. I slumped into my over-stuffed couch and stared long and hard at the thing I created: an anemic concoction of false hopes and wishful thinking. The horror, the truth: entry into serious audiophile listening begins with purchase of speakers that cost the price of the car I had to finance for 4 years, closely followed with the added expense of beefy sophisticated electronics and wiring, not a gaggle of cheap wanna-be plastic and tweeks. I so wanted to belong, but that’s turned out to be just a fever dream I’ve got to wake up from. Maybe one day, if ever I have the nerve to rob a bank, find Jimmy Hoffa, or survive a head-on collision from a sleepy Amazon driver, I might make it. Maybe. Feel free to play the violin with two fingers.


And I would avoid the Boenickes for sure. Lot better choices in the W5 price range

@grislybutter Have you even heard Boenicke speakers?  I highly doubt it. 

@soix You doubt it? Based on what? Do you know me? Are you are above me to decide what I have and have not heard?


Yes I have heard the W5s at Alma Audio, 2 miles from my house.

I have also corresponded with Sven Boenicke and struggled a lot to get data on their speakers.

I made my statement about the value of Boenicke based on 100s of hours research.


I strongly disagree with your opinion of the intent of @audiodidact ’s thread. I think that it was sincere, if a bit tongue in cheek.

Hey Roxy.  That's fine, I'm not the A'gon police at all.  I just ... don't ;like the smell of this thread and won't participate.  Please continue to enjoy this thread and A'gon however you'd like.

Yes I have heard the W5s at Alma Audio, 2 miles from my house.

@grislybutter Good for you, and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. 

I suggest going a bit nuts at first with lots of pillow stacked up corners, blankets all over the floor, etc.  Move the speakers as much as you can etc. You want to really start to hear differences in sound and build off of that. Move so much that you might get thrown out the house because too little and you'll be left wondering if you hear any change.