Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe??

I sold my beloved, magnificent Meridian G08 CD player. I am looking to replace it with either the Ayre C-5xe or the C-7xe. I have not heard either but both seem to have great reviews and Ayre seems to be a great company. That said, is it worth the difference in price for the 5-xe vs the 7-xe on redbook CD? I listen to a lot of jazz and some new age. I don't know if there is a big selection of high quality SACD or DVD-A's to justify the extra dough for the 5-xe. However, I still might spring for it if it is superior to the 7xe on redbook CD.

I am seeking the input and advice from those who may have listened to both players. Thanks in advance.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
After more extensive listening I think the difference in bass was that the Ayre was tighter and had a quicker decay. As you stated, closer to neutral. I found I could play the Ayre louder to get the bass at the same perceived level and the mid range was still natural.
Mitch2, I sold my G08 because I got the upgrade bug. Sounds paradoxical to sell a piece of "beloved" equipment. However, if I made a mistake, I can always buy one back. I am an audiophile so I have eveery excuse not to be rationale. I am waiting on a brand new C5xeMP so we'll see how I like it.......
Mitch2 said:

I wish Charlie and the crew would reconsider and offer it in black, which would go much better with my other components.

..Agree 100%. I wanted to get an Ayre integrated amp at one time and it's only available in silver, yet I could get the C5-XE in black and I had a V-5XE in black.

Now, back to the thread, I don't want to hijack it..
Just picked up a used CX7e and am expecting delivery later this week. I've contacted Ayre about the MP upgrades and they are apparently backlogged unti November right now. So I guess I'll get to know this player for a while and see what other's impressions of the new MP upgrade are before I take the plunge myself (or not, depending).

So please post your impressions of pre-MP and post-MP as you arrive at them.

Bob, there is a whole thread discussing the MP vs. non-MP CX7e, as well as some comments on measure vs. listen filter settings over on the asylum digital page about half way down.