Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose?

Imagine you’re in the market for a high-end phono preamp (your ultimate, at least for the moment) and have the budget to splurge.

Which one would you get?

Perhaps you've already got it, which one?


This is incorrect question. Ultimate in one system may not be ultimate in another. And I don't mean just different cartridges. I do suspect though that in most or all systems tube phono stage will win.

The Herron VTPH-2A seems to be the top performing phono stage. Though discontinued, it still ranks at the top and is the one other competing units are measured against.

Just got to brag. My DIY battery powered SS with only air caps (variable) and vacuum caps in the signal path. Discrete nude Vishay resistor selector for volume control. Variable cartridge loading. Adjusts for some deviation from RIAA.

Every bell or whistle that I want and nothing else. Could scarcely afford the parts cost, can’t imagine what it would cost from a dealer.

DIY  forever!

My two cents worth goes to the Parasound JC 3.  Have had mine for several years and it’s a great piece of gear.

I’ve never heard another good phono stage w/ my t vinyl set up so I can’t say it’s better or worse than anything else mentioned but I’ve really enjoyed my Art  Audio Vinyl One for over 20 years & it’s still in production today. It’s tubed, plenty of variable gain for low output MC’s , built well & sounds great. I think it’s about $7500 today.