TRL 595 Discussion Died Years Ago

Just wondering what 2008-9 opinions might be about the player.
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There is nothing new under the sun. While I have not heard TRL, I am skeptical of modders who fail to disclose methods. The aftermarket is small and it is futile to struggle over crumbs; the best ideas are more likely to be ignored than copied. Awhile back someone sent me detailed photos of the botched work of a well-known modder(who shall remain nameless) who similarly shrouds his work in secrecy. Buyer beware.

I actually thought Tvad's response here was very balanced compared to previous posts on TRL threads. This coming from someone who has flamed him in the past for what I felt were his unwelcome and unwarranted comments on TRL threads.

The TRL/APL war is no secret and the threads are available to those who wish to seek them out here or on AA. Looking back on them they were like crusades fought by religious zealots with each side holding on to the death to defend their tenets.

It's no secret that I have an allegiance to TRL. They have a right to keep their information proprietary. It's our right to decide to buy based on that. Heck, I bought an amp from them that is one of the best I ever heard and I couldn't even pop open the top. Didn't stop me from enjoying it though.

I think Tvad summed it up nicely here:

It's TRL's prerogative to keep their modification details a mystery, and for
many happy TRL customers, the details don't matter.
See what I mean Goner's no substance just fleeting unsubstanciated mindless opinion. Chatter ...More like the washerwomen in the laundrymat. Hardly deserves a response. Keep pointing the finger staying on the defensive. Just answer the questions T. How many repsonses are you at now, and how is the Denon doing? How much money did you spend on the player and mod,and what was his explanation? See what I mean, shake 777 and this is what we get from our beloved TVAD . No answers just babble!

There is nothing new under the sun !
What in the Sam H--- does that mean? Does the budda statue idol have some significance in your life? I have a feeling there is a full one out tonight. :) :)
Cleo, you are right with your analysis. My beef is why did he respond period. The question was how are TRL players currently? TVAD has no empirical knowledge and has the history of bad blood. Smoothing it over and working into formats that he doesn't belong is his forte' IMHO. It's his passionate idle time whether he has ligitimate info or not. Like someone who is in a crowd that just likes to hear themselves talk. Look up his responses they are staggering in number, mind boggling. Although it can be frustrating Cleo it is all a part of the game here on these social networking sites. Hope you got a chance to hear the new improved circuit designs! Be well!