TRL 595 Discussion Died Years Ago

Just wondering what 2008-9 opinions might be about the player.

I've always enjoyed reading your posts here and elsewhere and can appreciate your opinions on digital mods. IIRC you are fond of the transformer output stage that Kyle at RAM has developed with the Audio Consulting Silver Rock transformers (an enhancement also used by Kevin Carter at K&K Audio with Lundahl transformers for an Original CDP marketed by Moon Audio). In comparison to RAM that specifically lists all the details of their mods, the concept of proprietary mods is certainly hard to grasp, but I can say that I have been rewarded with my leap of faith.

Concerning the link to the article you posted, there are always two sides to a story. However, if you are interested in hearing a TRL modded unit, please feel free to email me offline. I'd be happy to lend you my TRL modified DAC. Feel free to open it up and look inside. Some of the mods are very apparent, while others not so. As we both know its the sound that really counts though.
Clio: Just for the record, TRL has modifed over 1000 units over the past 5 years. Considering the numbers, you'd expect to find dozens for sale, here at the Gon, but you don't.

This said, it appears that the "leap of faith" worked out for many others. too.
Clio, Thanks for your thoughtful remarks and for your offer to audition a TRL unit. Perhaps this can be arranged. In defense of TRL's apparent practices, I have heard recently from several good techs how much can be gained by potting or shielding digital circuitry. This is probably the one area I have not personally explored as an amateur modder. I believe the practice is antithetical to the RAM/Audio Consulting nature-boy philosophy exemplified by unshielded wires, distain for Mu-shielded transformers, and preference for wood enclosures. But I need to experiment with this. If the performance improvements are worthwhile, then this may explain how TRL can mod digital economically.

Agreed, there are two sides to every story, and dissappointed customers are everywhere. But one would be justifiably pissed discovering that a modder who had just covered his PCB with epoxy failed to tie down a solder joint.
Thanks, its obvious that there's controversery around disclosure and I'm not trained to understand the details, even if they were available. Again, I do believe a company has a right to their secrets. If the product outperforms the compettion, that's what impresses me and thats what I care about.

I'm more concerned about where the mod sits in the hierachy of players.

The first mention of SACD I heard was about the early part of March and I was offered the Sony XA5400 for $1$400.00. No way since I had somehow lost my deep affection for serious listening to music years ago.

But the SACD acronym stuck and I started looking into it. Viola! Sony CE595 for $140.00.Found a great review on the stock unit and it was an easy choice. I also preferred the 5 disc carousel.

I ran across the TRL mod reviews. I was mostly dicouraged by my Klipsch Forum but I liked the idea that for a several hundred I could beat out the players costing much more. I went for it after corresponding with Paul. Its a good player and it renewed my love of listening to good music.

But how good? I know I should trust my ears and enjoy, but I also care about more recent reviews from better more experienced ears than mine. If not so be it. Thanks
David I'm running out on my Lithium! Although, if you are talking about a manufacturer that has responded to the economic hard times and passing a real savings in audio to the end user. Your right you hit the nail on the head.These mods could sell for a lot more and still command the same audience. When Shake pulls the trigger on the current TRL 595. He will be back on the site shouting from the rooftops.Your cheap shots taking a poke from a customer in 04'who may of had a ligitimate grievance without any understanding of the other side or concern for the reason for the season. It speaks volumes to the integrity of your rheteric. Maybe your a progressive prosecuting attorney by trade with an agenda to move forward. I know a president who could use you in his cabinet. Anyone can find bones in our closet, but why did they get there? Don't exactly know what happened in 04' but it sure isn't a concern in 09'. Maybe for you and Budda ? Your a typical load of hot air in an empty suit. Yeah, I fooled around with some mods, and I know great designers and repairmen, so what. David the cheap shot artist! Please can you answer your affinity with Budda, is he one of your modded magical mystery men or is he a form of worship for you?