Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?

It is more complicated in reality of high end than either/or but still we have our preferences. This is a never ending debate, so let's never end it.


My Magnavox All In One came with speakers.

I got dizzy (more than usual) when I dished out $172 at KMart. 

I remember how proud I was pushing it out of the store, strapping it on my motorcycle and riding it home thru town.  Yeah.  Mine.  Eat your hearts out.

Years later a friend gave me an old pair of Roger? Ls3 something something speakers.  Smaller than what came with it.  But it has to do.

@kingsleuy , I bought my very first system at the SAFB BX in ’79 and it was also a Magnavox! I did it on lay-away. (It would not have strapped onto the back of a mc though, I picked the rack system that had the biggest speakers of all of the rack systems they had. It must have been multiple boxes. I am not sure how I got it back to the barracks in my Mustang, but I did.)

Source always first because if you got great speakers and your source is not that great it's going to sound like crap.