Help with high end bookshelf speakers

I need help please. Past few years I'm gone through a myriad of speakers and now my wife is relegating me to a third bedroom for a dedicated listing space. I'm trying to figure out what kind of bookshelf speakers I can use with a Hegel 390, Auralic, Denafrips DAC in an 11x12 room. Trying to decide if I need to change my whole system or find something that works with what I have.

Thanks everyone


Motion Audio 100 bookshelfs have a wide frequency and can go deep without the need of a sub.

If you are looking at true high end, look no further than the Sonus Faber Guarneri. They are the best sounding bookshelves I've ever heard. I shopped extensively when I bought my end game speakers. Sonus Faber should be at the top of everyone's list. I ended up with a pair of Serafinos. Outstanding engineering and the most beautiful speakers available at any price point.



What’s your budget? What speakers do you currently have?

The PS Audio FR-5’s are fairly inexpensive and the Borreson M1’s are not. Help us give better advice.

If you want to try an excellent sounding bookshelf speaker that can be had used for under $500 a pair, I would recommend the KEF Reference Series 101. It's very well made and similar in design to an early Rogers LS3/5A. It even uses the same drivers but with a different crossover. If you don’t like them you could probably sell them for what you paid.