Integrated Amplifiers - Esoteric F-01, Esoteric F-02 or Dan D'Agostino Progression

I'm looking for recommendations on a high-end integrated amplifier.  Dealer choices in my price range ($18,000 - $21,000) are Esoteric F-01, Esoteric F-02 or Dan D'Agostino Progression.  Any opinion on these three integrated amplifiers would be appreciated.

My current speakers are B&W 805D4 Signatures.

Thank you.







The D'Agnostino Progression will give the listener a deep musical, rich tone. What other gear is in your System?


Happy Listening!


This forum is for music lovers and those interested in high-end audio gear. It is NOT a place to air your political agenda aka backstab a manufacturer because they don’t match your "political" expectations. It’s not only divisive, but rudely derails the OP’s inquiry.

Very well put.

Kindly take the  Left wing vs Right wing to an appropriate forum. There’s no shortage of them.


@charles1dad hope you are well.


While I am less concerned about someone’s politics I always appreciate a heads up when trying to decide between the PolPot or the Mothertheresa integrateds. In the case of the Dag gear, does that mean there is more output from the right channel? LOL. Everyone have a great day!

It is far more money but the Dartzeel CTH 8550 MK 2 could be the best integrated currently made. Also great for phono. $42K 8550=85% of his separates at 50% the price. It has “changed my life”.