Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?

This is perhaps a foolish question, given the subjective nature of this hobby, but is there any consensus regarding differences between the above brands? I’m interested in their "traditional" or "vintage" lines, not the more modern-voiced models.

For example, I’ve read that the Spendor Classic series speakers are, overall, warmer/darker than Harbeths and offer a bit more punch in the bass. If this is true, I would lean toward the former.













I don’t know that you can simply compare brands, as my experiences with three different Harbeth models (I owned all of them) would imply there can be considerable variations within a given brand:

  • Harbeth Super HL5: fast, clean, but thin sounding... thin bass and mids
  • Harbeth 40.1: warm, dark, full bodied and organic
  • Harbeth 40.2 Anniversary: neutral, linear and balanced

Of the above three, only the 40.1’s were satisfying to the point that I’d consider owning them again, if I were in the market for a British monitor... but I’d like to hear the classic Splendor SP100 and SP 1/2E, as well as the Graham’s.


Thanks for that useful clarification.

"Warm, dark, full-bodied and organic" is my preferred direction, although I lack the cash and room for something of the 40.1's dimensions.

If you are patient, you can find Spendor SP100's for < $3,000 and SP1/2e's for < $2,000.  Hifishark.com is a good site to keep tabs of used listings.  The Spendor's would look great in your beautiful craftsmen home... and both are efficient and tube friendly.

This dealer sells those 3 brands. Give him a call and I’m sure he will give you the lowdown on all 3. BTW, I have owned every Harbeth model minus the M40 (too big for my room). I am now using the HL5 and would never call them thin sounding. As a matter of fact I like the HL5 better than any other Harbeth or Spendor that I have owned!

A review!