Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ?

Or you would rather pay that for a streamer ?



Fine tuning is important part of audiophile engagement, unlike music lover engagement. That's one problem with digital - nothing to do with it but listen.

That's one problem with digital - nothing to do with it but listen.

That’s not really true — I spend many hours exploring worlds of wonderful new music/artists I’ve never heard before, and then there are all those great playlists I need to go through and choose from.  Oh the horror!  Heh heh.  Funny how one person’s problem can be another person’s gift.

I think the solution is buy used on both from a reputable dealer.the music room sold me a 70k turntable for 8k.i picked up lp 12 table and several hundred records and cd several hundred from a kind old man who was going in a nursing home and just wanted someone to live them like he has and apogee for 2 k with the ps audio amp early model.enjoy the music prior to us going to the home.stay healthy

Right, but I didn't mean that. I explore new music on youtube too.

Not in CD or hi-def quality tho.