Would you still pay $10k or more for a turntable not full analog front end these days ?

Or you would rather pay that for a streamer ?



I think the solution is buy used on both from a reputable dealer.the music room sold me a 70k turntable for 8k.i picked up lp 12 table and several hundred records and cd several hundred from a kind old man who was going in a nursing home and just wanted someone to live them like he has and apogee for 2 k with the ps audio amp early model.enjoy the music prior to us going to the home.stay healthy

Right, but I didn't mean that. I explore new music on youtube too.

Not in CD or hi-def quality tho. 

No, of course not. One day I should get a streamer and better DAC but I am on a tight budget so can't upgrade whatever I might want to.

@lewm - they are delivered without any losses over USB connection as are bits you write and read from USB flash drive or a hard disk. Else you would write one thing and read another. USB does not lose anything, ever, unless media (SSD, flash) is defective. There is no "timing" there.

Of course, it is another story, if you connect over optical or SPDIF....

I have and am very pleased that I did. I have over 1000 albums so for me it makes sense. I want to hear these pressings in their best presentation. If I was starting off and hand a very limited number of albums or CDs I would put all my money into streaming and start with the best DAC I could afford. Maybe even DAC plus power amp and streamer. Of course speakers at the top of the list. No need for a preamp because no inputs.