The time it takes to perform mods can be significant, as is the cost of premium piece parts. I envy the pros who can do this work well at a profit. As an amateur modder with limited time to give to the hobby, the only way for me to justify time spent is to work with top quality components. There is more room for improvement inside these than their high price would suggest, and any given improvement is usually revealing.
In addition to obtaining superlative equipment, modding can get you off the merry-go-round of equipment swaps. Of course resale value is a problem. This probably reflects the negligible prestige factor that modded equipment has among high-enders, more than it does any experience with or understanding of quality. In terms of quality, mods can be great value, but this value is not transferable into common currency.
In addition to obtaining superlative equipment, modding can get you off the merry-go-round of equipment swaps. Of course resale value is a problem. This probably reflects the negligible prestige factor that modded equipment has among high-enders, more than it does any experience with or understanding of quality. In terms of quality, mods can be great value, but this value is not transferable into common currency.