
I’m really happy with my system. However when a technician, who is also a salesman, came to my house for a stereo repair he complimented my set but said it would sound a lot better if I switched out my Benchmark AHB2 amp (which I think is great) for a Pass 30 wpc class AB amp. He offered to let me hear that amp in my system so that I could decide for myself (at a fee of $300.) The only problem is he doesn’t  have the 30 watt amp in stock but would have to demo the Pass sound with 60 watt monoblocks. He assured  me that with my very efficient GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers the 30 watt amp will almost have the the same quality.

Do you think I can honestly judge how the smaller amp will actually sound? Or should I cancel the demonstration (and save$300?)


With the Benchmark I can set the volume control knob anywhere between 11:00 and 2:00, a much wider range than any of the other amps. The CJ tube preamp has been refitted with Teflon caps and is an ideal match for the Benchmark.
The combination of solid state and tubes works.  The amount of detail, warmth and soundstaging is impressive.

Yes, tube linestages can work well and sound good with solid state amps.  But, the biggest difference in sound comes from using a good tube amp.  I hang out at a very serious audio shop that does not sell ANY solid state amplification.  They also don’t sell high powered tube amps.  So many visitors to the shop are utterly amazed at the sound; for some, it is like a religious experience.  They have never heard this kind of sound at shops pushing solid state and high power tube amps.

It is all about the sound.  As good as a hybrid tube/solid state sounds, I don’t think one gets close to the full measure of tube sound without a tube amp.  I’ve used solid state linestages with tube amps, and I prefer that combination to tube linestage feeding solid state.


Youre so right about mood being a factor. In fact, I started that discussion on mood you referenced.

Interesting note: The Pass solid state sounded better than either of the tube amps I tried.