SnubWay Question Thread

Happy New Year

For those interested - the 1st of three Snubber Products is ready for full scale production - SnubWay works really well with Puron, each doing their job in good order. 

Viet made a tidy little video to explain the product a bit and make a demo - this is from his What’s On The Bench Videos

We tested ParaSnub (aka SnubWay) with a simulated SMPS noise source that has an 1kohm impedance. This is to simulate a typical SMPS transformer impedance between the high frequency generated voltage and the line (mains) that it is connected to. We inject about 5Vpp 400kHz, 100kHz and 60kHz noise using a function generator and get between -30dB to -33dB reduction in noise (about 100mV to 150mVpp). This is a significant amount of noise reduction and can really help clean up the SMPS noise contamination in our power outlet strip. The level of reduction may vary, and will depend on your particular SMPS noise source impedance, your equipment, and your particular house wiring, etc.

A short You Tube Video here




This was posted yesterday on the "What’s Best Forum"

"First impressions of the SnubWay 100 hours in:
- It’s size/shape prevents audiophile size connectors and similar sized adapters from being used -- plugged in fully -- underneath it, whether in a wall outlet or on my Regenerator. Would have thought they’d have caught that.

- No matter where I plug it in, the SnubWay’s effect is to add lots of dynamic energy and volume (in both senses), thickness and a bit of smoothness (oddly with TV voices seem rougher). However, that energy seems to overrun or overwhelm the sense of clarity and delicacy that exists without it. Will see if this works out over time."


tksteingraber seems to really like his. Now that there are a 100 of these out there, I wonder if others feel the same or can comment.



@ozzy check out the thread on Decware’s forum for several + comments. Kamran wrote and extensive review.   I think results may be dependent on how good of conditioning/high frequency scrubbing you already have set up.  I am not using one of the expensive big boy conditioners like your AQ.  I do have several conditioning tweaks in place.  As for the plug I am using a 3 to 1 outlet splitter installed at the duplex wall shared with a Puron and my ground box so its size doesn’t impact me.  

Thanks, tksteingraber, I value your opinion.

But I’m going to pass on this product...
