@tksteingraber Cool man, thanks for sharing.
"First impressions of the SnubWay 100 hours in:
- It’s size/shape prevents audiophile size connectors and similar sized adapters from being used -- plugged in fully -- underneath it, whether in a wall outlet or on my Regenerator. Would have thought they’d have caught that.
- No matter where I plug it in, the SnubWay’s effect is to add lots of dynamic energy and volume (in both senses), thickness and a bit of smoothness (oddly with TV voices seem rougher). However, that energy seems to overrun or overwhelm the sense of clarity and delicacy that exists without it. Will see if this works out over time."
tksteingraber seems to really like his. Now that there are a 100 of these out there, I wonder if others feel the same or can comment.